A Pilots Life For Me

I try to keep the plane in the air as long as can but sometimes it just doesn't work.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


This is the dorm building which can hold over 100 hundred men and

women. With our very cold winters it's really important that their is

place for the homeless to stay.

The desk I work at.

Here is the little store they run for the residents and non residents

of the community. Everything in the store is free and they manage it

by putting restrictions on the number of items they can take each month.

Hopefully Intervarsity will be getting involved with the Northland Rescue mission on a regular basis. It is the hope of the servant team and the leaders of our upcoming mission trip. We want to build group cohesion by working together and serving others. Only God can truly bring people together, so please be praying that he prepares the two teams in what ever way He feels is best. Everything will work to His glory. Thank you for all your prayers I really appreciate them and I know that it means a lot to everyone here. I hope that you are having a great day who ever you are. Only through HIS shed blood.


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