A Pilots Life For Me

I try to keep the plane in the air as long as can but sometimes it just doesn't work.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Latte with Leadership!

I know a lot of you out there are wondering what Latte with Leadership is all about. Well I am not going to tell you. It was one crazy evening that did not turn out well. At Intervarsity Christian Fellowship we have some 80 odd regular attenders. Do you know how many showed up for the meeting, only five. We are always thankful for the ones that do show up! Intervarsity is all about serving Christ and that's what the leadership team, small group leaders and support staff try to do. We don't always meet God's standards in fact we fail quite regularly. I often fail and you know what He still uses me. He really wants you! He really wants all of us and all our doubts, fears, pride, shyness, hatred and despair. Because he turns doubts to assurance,fear to strength, pride to humility, shyness to self confidence, hatred to love and all your despair to hope. What more can we ask for? The answer is, we truly want for nothing, God provides. He has given us so much, how much more should we desire to serve him! You get so much more out of something by pouring yourself into it. If you want to feel the power of Christ get involved in someones life, be their friend and love them. Share with them the love that God has shown you. Then we will fulfill what we are called to do and one day you will hear "Welcome home, good and faithful servant."


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