A Pilots Life For Me

I try to keep the plane in the air as long as can but sometimes it just doesn't work.

Monday, December 11, 2006



  • At 11:43 AM, December 12, 2006, Blogger grey rose (they/them) said…

    i bet this is goo's FAVORITE picture. ever. hahaaha

  • At 5:12 PM, December 12, 2006, Blogger Rachel Taylor said…

    Glad to know you're alive!

  • At 9:49 AM, December 16, 2006, Blogger faith said…

    I just thought I would take the moment to tell you how degrading I think the words hot and/or hotty are and how I think Linena should be called beautiful and gorgeous.

  • At 9:27 PM, December 16, 2006, Blogger Ben said…

    Is she allowed to call me hotty or is that not allowed either. Should she call me Handsome and Manly instead of hot and/or hotty because frankly I don't mind! When two people are in love their is a time for Beautiful and Gorgeous, and their is a time for SMOKIN' HOT and/or HOTTY (all in caps mind you)because love and affection is not bound in words alone but is an expression of selfless deeds and the out pouring of the heart. The words of which you speak, words created for the sole purpose of describing beauty such as hers have come from my lips, which she alone can attest.

  • At 12:19 PM, December 18, 2006, Blogger faith said…

    haha. Ben makes me laugh.
    To each his own. :)

  • At 2:40 PM, December 18, 2006, Blogger grey rose (they/them) said…

    ben-in-law & gthFaith:
    i agree with you, both. if any man other than my husband called me HOT or something of the sort, i would feel degraded. BUT since we are intoxicated with eachother, bring on the hotness & super sexyful compliments ALONG with the gorgeous and beautiful ones!!


  • At 2:32 PM, January 22, 2007, Blogger Dasha the Explorer said…

    Happy birthday, Ben!! We remembered! 22... wow, you're old. Jamie and I were getting married when we were only 20. Anyhow, just thinking out loud. Well done, man :)


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