A Pilots Life For Me

I try to keep the plane in the air as long as can but sometimes it just doesn't work.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

A picture of me on the porch enjoying the last few rays of sunshine.

These are two of my three roommates, Scott on the left and Seth on the right. They
think they are funny guys but you can judge for yourselves. Both of them are commercial
aviation majors like me, most of you know Grady he is my other roommate and has the
same major as the rest of us.

This is a view of the garages and the mall is in the distance which is not very visible.
(Looking east)

Grady and I share a bedroom and bathroom this is our bathroom, a pretty sweet deal.
Our closet is off to the left where you can see my winter coat hanging up.

My study area as seen from my bed. Hehehe. . .I spend a lot of time looking at my
study are from this spot of repose. As you can see I have lots of pictures up reminding
me of my beautiful true love back at home.

My kitchen where you will occasionally see a brisket cooking, tea brewing or
wings frying. It's surprises me how much more I want to cook something when the
kitchen is clean and the counters are wiped off. My roommates lied to me they aren't
as neat as they said they were but for a bunch of pilots not bad.

A look at our front door on the left and the door into our laundry room straight ahead. The
green box you see on the counter contains a quarter of a chocolate cake which Grady has
left sitting there for over three weeks, delicious.

Seth's girlfriend Kitty sitting on the living room floor doing homework, she was there
all afternoon. . .crazy! As you can see we have a pretty sweet setup. ; )

This is a look at 24th Ave S. the road our building is on, nothing special here. For
those of you who had been waiting to see my place I hope you are appeased now.
I have been trying to keep this site updated for all of my fans spread across the globe.


  • At 8:50 AM, October 02, 2006, Blogger myroaring20s said…

    A Bachelors' Pad, awesome. I know EXACTLY what you mean about a clean kitchen! Things flow better, quicker and more succinctly when you start with a clean slate. Unfortunately, I sometimes have to juggle around four or five other people in using our kitchen. However, their lively conversation and general peopleness more than makes up for their intrusion. One of my suit mates is Taiwanese and he is so fascinated by "American cuisine." He pretty much only knows of ribs and french fries!

  • At 10:49 AM, October 02, 2006, Blogger Sarah said…

    Thanks for keeping your fans updated. We appreciate it.

  • At 9:47 PM, October 02, 2006, Blogger Rachel Taylor said…

    Love the pictures! And the words!

  • At 5:50 PM, October 07, 2006, Blogger Ben said…

    The cooler is in fact not part of our decor, it is simply waiting by the front door to be returned to its owner.


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