A Pilots Life For Me

I try to keep the plane in the air as long as can but sometimes it just doesn't work.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


I said I would let you know how my canoeing experience went on Friday and now its Thursday of the following week . . . whoops. I do have an excuse, not a very good one though, I've been busy. But I am a man of my word so I will do what I said I would. Here we go my Friday.

I woke up at 6:30am for an 8am flight, the sun was just coming up and it promised to be a beautiful day. My body felt good and rested but my mind was a different story, talk about feeling spent. The flight was awesome, Grand Forks County is gorgeous in the morning and the sky is of the strongest azure. Grady my flight instructor was rather happy with my flying which always boosts ones confidence level.

My morning carried on rather well excluding the fact that I was a few minutes late to my Aircraft Systems class because of my flight thus missing a quiz. It wasn't really a big deal they aren't worth much point wise. The rest of the afternoon I putzed around doing errands and homework... and I might have snuck in a little recreational reading, hehe. The rest of my day wasn't spent in idle pleasures like my carefree summers but instead was spent like every Monday, Wednesday, Friday afternoon of my academic life -- in class.

As soon as class was over at 4:50 I rushed to the Memorial Union to meet everyone for THE VOYAGE ON THE RED . . . whoops again, as it turned out the rendezvous wasn't until five thirty. It didn't turn out too badly since my stomach was on empty and dinner time was rolling in and fortunately their is a food court in the Union supplying only the finest cuisine Sabbaro, A&W and some little known taco joint -- the whole place is a joke. My hunger and thirst now satisfied on a very old piece of pizza which was probably left over from lunch and even then I'm sure it wasn't worth three bucks and my thirst now quenched by a fruit beverage called "Naked" which oddly tasted like chalk. Soon after I finishing this appetizing meal my people began to arriving in tight little groups.

The group consisted of Chris, Pete, Paula, Sarah, Emelia, Jessica and I, we were a merry little group. We had to rent an extra canoe from the rec. center darn out 15 bucks but the most aggravating things was that it took twenty minutes and then getting it on my car another ten which meant that we didn't get to the water until 6:30. Pete our fearless leader led us downtown and then over Main Street bridge into East Grand Forks, where there is a boat launch. The whole unloading process went quickly but we were delayed yet again because my dear friend Chris was late. Are whole party finally made it onto the water only to be met by the terrific aroma of Simplot the local sugar beet processor. This smell is very pungent and is commonly mistaken as b.s. which I completely understand -- ahahak.

Our party slowly made it up river which means going south, crazy huh? It's one of those rare rivers that don't make sense flowing against all natural thought. The smell now left behind we made our way south stumbling across two beavers and a few non-descript birds. Eventually Lincoln park came into view where we decided to put in and a rest. The ladies in our group asked the most dreaded question a man can here "Is there a bathroom?"; wouldn't you know there was. After this stop and a quick pick me up, snickers and oreo cookies we headed for home. The return was an uneventful one with only one change being made, instead of riding with Sarah and Emelia I switched to Chris's canoe and let the woman have one all to themselves.

Later that evening we sat around the telly watching Joe Black while sipping Doctor Pepper until two in the morning. What a day!


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